Fine art for the discerning collector
Young Bucks
My art is intended to celebrate not only our cherished wildlife but also the bigger natural environment. Every painting is created with passion and often embodies a deeper connect. The style of art has evolved over time maturing primarily into abstract realism or impressionist expression. This was preceded by a contemporary minimalist, mainly black and white portfolio which has its roots in more traditional realism.
The combination of abstract expression coupled with recognizable representational elements is the hallmark in this portfolio. The quest for uniqueness without losing sight of the key wildlife elements is important. Each painting is made up of thick impasto with multiple glazes or layers of both translucent and thick opaque paint. Whilst the glazes in the background are applied using a brush the final images are rendered using only a variety of palette knives and other utensils. The end result is a textured painting with rich complexity that is both modern and expressive.